Saturday 6 October 2012

Vaastu > Remedies

Vaastu > Remedies

Architecture that heals
Surya Yantra (east direction): If east is closed, block or has toilet installation of this yantra on wall will improve vibration of that zone. This yantra is made of crystals, mirrors, copper, tin, bells and wood. It is made in certain cosmic proportion to provide Aditya-pravah stram.
Ishanya Putra Yantra (North-East): NE represent most positive direction join of two positive streaming from East and North. It is use to invite positive energies and remove block from the North east direction, it is made from copper, mirror, silver, flow of water from the top, Shree Yantra, Ishan Yantra and represent perfect cosmic union of both polarity.
Brihaspati Yantra or Jupiter Yantra ( North direction): It is use to remove faults and block to the north zone. This yantra represent Moon and Jupiter in the same time it is made of zinc, copper, crystals, wood, bells, mirrors and pearls
Vayavya Samavadini (North-West): This yantra is used to provide more wind element as this is the zone of Vayu (air). It is made from silver bells and blue crystal or blue sapphire. Shani Tarka (West direction): in astrology rulling planet of the West is Saturn (Shani), it is made of the lead metal which is earthly similar to Saturn. Lead is heavy metal which have protective properties against radiation. Installation of this yantra will help faults in the West zone of the house and incriese positive to the North and East
Bhouma Yantra (South direction): This yantra is made out of pure copper and has cosmic matrix of the planet Mangal (Mars), copper as metal and red corral as precious stone are descendants to the Mars. If good South zone is there or use of this yantra success in the house is definite. It is act like powerful cosmic purifier neutralizing electromagnetic network. Copper pyramids: this pyramids are made of pure copper where on them was done special Yagyas to energies them to bring more energy and positive power.
Triangular base pyramid: is use to increase fire element which can miss in the East or South East zone
Square base pyramid:is used to increase stability to the South, or South West zone providing Earth element
Cone pyramid: represent Air element and it is use to the problems to the West and North West zone
Nine planet stones(Nagagraha): Red ruby, red coral, yellow sapphire, cat�s eye, diamond or crystal, blue sapphire 2 times, emerald and white sea pearls are stones which are used to do correction to the Vaastu faults which have cause in bed planetary influences. Rathna Dhyan, powerful Vaastu ceremony to get positive grace from the 9 planets is done using and placing this stones in to the flooring in to the building or to the house. It will bring the harmony between 9 planets. Also separate use of stone can be done to improve energies in certain zones.
Vaastu yantra-pyramid: is powerful tool to harmonize energies in the building or plot by simply placement in the centre of Brahmastan. It work to neutralize negative energy grid which coming from the planets. There are 9 paper yantra with crystal prisms on the top. This crystals work as accelerators to the yantra under them, every yantra represent one planet and deity. Work similar to Rathna Dhyan

Paper Yantras:

Paper yantras represent deity of certain planets. It is cosmos � geometrical matrix with specific mantra writing on them. in combination with geometrical proportion, colors and sound provide missing meaning of the planet. It is installed on the wall of the building and it is not necessary to be shown can be hidden behind mirror or paining. It work like radio receiver for the cosmic signal. For the meaning of the planets click here.
  • Sun
  • Moon
  • Mars
  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Raha
  • Ketu
  • Vaastu Purusha

Ayurveda > Treatment

Ayurveda > Treatment

Holisitic healing

Pulse diagnosis

Discover your constitution or Prakriti In the traditional Ayurveda, the verification of the health condition has been done trough checking once pulse. On this way, with ancient technique, was easy to determinate what is your body constitution and what misbalance is there in terms of Vata, Pitta and Kapha bio-energies. After getting proper information of body, mind and conciseness it is easy to recommend proper ayurvedic diet, life style, herbs and treatments which will bring natural state to the tree dosha. It is very important that one know his body and mind constitution and what factors can cause disorder including, food, weather, actions.

Abhyanga (Body massage)

Accumulated stress and toxins in the mind and body dissolve during 75 minute of massage. Full-body warm oil massage therefore acts as a powerful recharger and rejuvenator of mind and body. The ayurvedic oil massage, is an integral part of the daily routine recommended by this healing system for overall health and well-being. It is nourishing, relieves fatigue, provides stamina, pleasure and perfect sleep, enhances the complexion and the luster of the skin, promotes longevity and nourishes all parts of the body. Increased circulation, especially to nerve endings, toning of the muscles and the whole physiology, calming the nerves, lubrication of the joints, increased mental alertness, improved elimination of impurities from the body, softer, smoother skin, increased levels of stamina throughout the day, better, deeper sleep at night!

Shyrodhara (Anti-stress treatment)

In this treatment a stream of warm oil is poured evenly over the forehead lasting for some time. Shyrodhara is done in absolute silence. It is a cooling treatment that settles the mind and profoundly relaxes the central nervous system. Thos auspicious treatment take only 40 min. and provide deep harmonization of all hormones causing instant relief of Bodily and Mindy stresses.

Shyroabhyanga (Head massage)

Using special herbal oils helping in balancing all 5 great elements in the body, nourishing the hair and relaxing mind from tension, stress, worries. Helps relieve muscular pain around head, neck, shoulders and upper back. Using massage friction and pressure point to initiate relaxation that leaves you feeling refreshed and clear headed. Complete treatment is done in 30-40 min.

Nasya (Treatment for sinuses)

This is a special massage for the head, neck, shoulders and sinuses. Nasya also involves installation of various herbal drops to cleanse the nasal passages. During nasya treatment herbal steam is inhaled through the nose helping to clear excess mucus from the nasal passages and lungs. The base of the brain is right behind the nasal cavity thus nasya is said to stimulate the base of the brain through its effect on the olfactory nerve endings bringing greater clarity and balance to the mind, brain and senses. Nasya is said to be helpful in the treatment of all disorders above the collar-bone, including those involving the thyroid gland, sinuses and the brain and senses. Often prescribed for headaches. Time for this treatment is 20 min only.

Netra tarpana (Treatment for eyes)

In today's world saturated with optical stimuli our eyes are often strained and overtired. This has an adverse effect on our vision and activity. Netra tarpana treatment has a relaxing effect on the eyes and surrounding tissue, it is carried out in conjunction with face massage. This treatment helps remove impurities from the eyes and includes ghee eyebaths. Treatment is for 25 min.

Naby Chikitsa (Navel Therapy)

By means of navel therapy, all blockages within the body�s systems can be removed. It is from the navel that the body takes form. Within the womb of the mother, from the umbilical cord, the fetus of a child develops. From the navel, every other part of the body develops. Therefore, it is the navel that is the center point of the human body. By applying therapy to the navel, dysfunctions elsewhere within the body can be restored to proper functioning. Read more in Naby Chikitsa. Treatment is done in 20-30 min.

Swedana (Steam bath)

It is powerful treatment for detoxing the body with magical herbal steam. This herbs are combination of different medical herbs which indicates strong sweating during expose to steam. This medical steam enter pores and go direct to blood causing the relief of toxins from the body. Recommended for those who want to lose weight and get better skin condition. Treatment is for 30 min only.

Anti-stress programme and renjuvation

This is combination of various treatment for different time period and request individual consultation before start. This programme has many benefits ; relief of toxins from the body, weight loss, getting younger and renjuvinated

Ayurveda > Diseases

Ayurveda > Diseases

Holisitic healing
Vata Pitta Kapha
Heavy stomach Vomiting Pneumonia
Bad gas Blurriness Typhoid
Bad breath Headache Asthma
Heavy Chest Bitter Taste Breathing problem
Chest pain Mouth ulcer Chest pain
Body pain Burning sensation Sinus pain
Headache Allergy Coughing
Joint pain Itching Cold
Knee pain Piles Sneezing
Arthritis Pimple Snoring
Neck problems Hair loss Swelling
Faintness Bodily bleeding Kidney pain
Shoulder pain Gum problem Laziness
Lower back pain Diarrhea Sleepiness
Ankle pain Eye problem Headache
Joint pain (fingers) White discharge (fem.) Tiredness
Tiredness Night fault (male)
Varicose pain Agitation
Swelling Skin disease
Spondylitis Internal wounds

Ayurveda > 5 Great Elements (Pancha Maha Bhuta)

Ayurveda > 5 Great Elements (Pancha Maha Bhuta)

Holisitic healing
In all traditional Vedic knowledges everything is created from 5 great elements, in Yoga, chakras are made of 5elements. Ayurveda Dosha�s, organs, senses are made of 5 elements. In Astrology everything has been made out of elements, astrological house, etc. Traditional Vaastu shastra house zones are made out of 5 elements. Basically entire universe is made and operate on 5 elements.
First of elements which was created was Space, after comes Air. Combine of Space and Air; Fire has been created. From Fire, Air and Space has developed Water element. And on the end Earth element complete all previous four elements.

Akash Tatwa/Space

Where there is space there is love, happiness and breathing of all virtues. Space represent inter-relationship between all elements. Space represent inter-relation with all human beings. Where there is no space lie void, void mean the content totally missing. Definition of space is , Void + Energy. Space element rule hearing and organ is ear.

Vayu Tatwa/Air element

Air represent Prana ( Life force) . Air represent Mind and activity. Where is balance in Air element one is finding rhythm and synchronicity. When Air element is disturb lead to all types of disturbance in individual and world together. Air element rule sense of touch, organ is skin.

Agni Tatwa/Fire element

Fire element is reflection of Intelligence and Ego, Lust and Warmth. When Fire is in balance there our inner fire is in merge with Divine flame and motherly warmth follow. Fire element is related to sense of seeing, organ is eyes.

Jala Tatwa/Water element

Water is most Divine element which has profound power to purify anything on Earth. Water ruled our emotions and dominate our body in 70%; same amount on Earth. Water rules fluids in our body, sense is taste and organ is mouth.

Pruthvi Tatwa/Earth Element

Earth represent support, stability and nourishment. Hence absence of Earth will disturb entire energies of existence. Earth element in our body represent structure, bones and muscles. Sense is smell, and organ is nose.

Jyotish > Rashi

Jyotish > Rashi

Science of Light

1. Mesh - Aries

It is Agni � Fire element sign.
It is fiery sign ruled by Mars, significator of the energy. The Surya significant of vitality is exalted in this sign. Saturn planet of the lethargy is debilitated in the Mesh rashi. These factors render the Arians most active, strong, aggressive and healthy in case the Mangal is strong. If aries arise as ascendant, the Ishta Devata ( form of God for worshiping and meditation ) would be mother divine, mother Durga. Worshipping the Istha Devata will help in spiritual progress and maintaining mental peace. This sign rules head ( cranium and forehead ) and brain. If Buddha and Mangal are strong the Mesh enjoy the good health. Other wise they have a sickly constitution , suffer from wound, headache, mental tension, fever, insomnia, diseases of impure blood. Inflammatory disorders, constipation, etc.
Aries is movable, positive, rajastic, pitta, male, barren and has strong preference. Depending on the influences of the ascendant and Mangal, the Mesh rashi renders their natives independent, adventurous and skilful in what they do, becomes leaders, with initiative, ambitious, fighters, brave, courageous, heroic, competitive, energetic, enterprisign, mentally clear, visionary, and strong willed or head strong, argumentative, offensive, impatient, impulsive, and self-centered.
Mesh � become the commanders � In chief � executioners, gangsters, manufacturers, military forces, police, project erectors, surgeons, vocations employing fire and metals.

2. Vrishaba � Taurus

It is a Prithivi � earth element sign.
Vrishaba is ruled by Shukra � venus, the significator for materialistic pursuits and comforts. The Moon significator for caring, tenderness is exalted in this sign. Ketu the significator for a spiritual pursuits is debilitated in this sign. This factors render the Taurus, materialistic, motherly, sensual, enjoying comforts, beauty and luxury around them. This sign rules face, and its organs are : nose, throat, mouth, teeth and eyes, neck, cervical region and bones, cerebellum and facial bones. If Venus as lord of the sixth house, is strong the Taurus enjoy good health.
Taurus is a fixed, negative, rajastic, vata, female, mild, semi fruitful and quadruped sign and has a precise and temperate nature. Vrishaba usually renders the their native cautions, prudent, stable, enduring, fixed in their ways, adaptable and gentle, becoming good planers, good communicators, analytical, refined, attractive, patient, kind, sentimental, devotional, charming, possessive, jealous, stubborn, resentful, passionate, lethargic, pleasure seekers. Taurus can become the business man, designers, engineers, technocrats, administrators, industrialist, house keeping.

3. Mithuna � Gemini

It is Vayu � air element sign, ruled by Buddha � Mercury.
Mercury is significator of the communications and confidence. These factors render the Mithuna with excellent power of speech and communication. They have an energetic nature, and they are always looking for a change, interchange, motion and invention. If the mind is turned inward the native have ability to progress far in the spiritual field.
Gemini is dual, positive, tamastic, tri-dosha, male, talkative, barren, and biped sign, and gives an ambitious nature with imaginative ideas. They usually love the knowledge and like much movement, change and initiative. They have a sharp intellect and conscious mind, spontaneous, adaptable, analytical, educated, learned, helpful, with teaching abilities, humor wit and imagination or talkative, nervous, restless, agitated, indecisive etc� Persons who are born in Mithun lagna, they can become accountants, auditors, advisory roles, authors, writers, communicators, business man, computer programmers, engineers, journalist, lawyers, poets, publishers, salesman, secretaries, software engineers, experts in analytical work, intellectuals, state services. The influence of the other planets on the, tenth, first and second house change the professional pursuits of the Mithun lagna

4. Karka � Cancer

It is Jala � water �sign, ruled by planet Moon.
Karka have a changeable nature and tendency. Jupiter, who is significator of the knowledge, and forthune, all wealth is exalted in Karka rashi. Mars, who represent energy, is debilitated in Cancer. Organs of the cancer are : rib cage, chest, heart, lungs and breasts. If the Moon is not in good position person with Karka lagna can have problem in health, like: mental maladies, physical ailments of breast, chest, heart and epigastric region, lymphatic and circulatory congestion, jaundice and other liver problems. Etc.
Karka � Cancer is the moveable rashi, negative, satvic, kapha, female, mute, fruitful and multiplied sign, signifies, grace and cleverness, they usually shows their negative good hosts, capable of receptivity and adaptability, generous, peace loving, with humor, wit and imagination. They are very emotional, sensitive, shy, moody, attached and dependent. Depending upon he strength of the Mangal and Surya being prime determinants of profession and the Moon for a stable profession, person who is born in Karka lagna usually become administrators, public relation managers, healers, nurses, house keepers, hoteliers, restaurants owners, catering professionals, cooks, eating � establishment owners, professionals dealing with liquids.

5. Simha � Leo

It is Agni � fiery sign ruled by planet Sury � Sun.
He is the significant of vitality, intelligence, male progeny, social status and magnificence. These factors render the Simha noble hearts, with character and will power.
Simha rashi is the responsible for a upper belly, stomach, spine, spinal cord, back, liver, gall bladder, spleen and pancreas. If the Surya is the strong person in Simha rashi will enjoy good health. Other wise they are vulnerable to the diseases of heart, spine, back, bones, spleen, pancreas, live stomach, week digestion, fevers, etc�.
Leo is fixed, positive, satvic, pitta, male, benevolent, barren and quadruped sign and when risign in the ascendant with a strong Sun, makes the person noble, generous and gives, majestic appearance. Leos gives the intelligence, strong will, initiative, awareness of authority, making native visionary, patient listeners, rulers, aristocratic, preserving, dramatic and bold, authoritative, ambitious, jealous, impatient, demanding, stubborn, impulsive and irritable.
Depending on the strength of the other planets, Simha may join to higher service to the government which offer security and fix income. They can earn through sport, medicine, speculation or scientific pursuits, or may have large organizations, become organizers, administrators, contractors, leaders, political persons�.Thety will be self employ and will not like subordination.

6. Kanya � Virgo

It is Pritivi � Earth element sign, ruled by mercury.
Mercury is governor of the nerve system, he is also significant of the analytical faculties, and is exalted in this sign, Venus significator for materialistic pursuits, comforts, is debilitated.
This sign rules the waist, abdominal umbilical region, nervous system, small intenstine, upper part of large intenstine, appendix and kidney. Virgo is dual, negative, tamastic, vata, female, barren and biped sign, and if Buddha � mercury is the strong, it is give power of analytical looking, power of analysis and discrimination.Kanya sign usually make their natives communicative, attractive, charming, prudent, cautious, protective, analytical, dependable, honest, ruthful, practical, sincere, detailed, critical, neurotic, distant, resentful, indecisive, and nit pickers with fault to find tendency.
The usually, weakness of Mercury, makes virgo born people feel insecure in life. They are generally worried and need support for maintaining self-confidence. If natal mercury is weak the person has prominent veins, lacks witticism and has no charm. Depending upon of the strength of the Venus, Sun and Mercury , Kanya become accountants, artist, craftsman, draftsman, teachers, mathematicians, engineers, traders, writers, etc. They will be good at job that involve detailed work. The Influence of the other planets on the tenth, first and second house change the professional pursuits.

7. Tula � Libra

It is Vayu � air element sign ruled by planet Venus.
Venus is the significant of materialistic pursuits and comforts. The planet Saturn, significant of the hard work is exalted in this rashi. And the Surya , planet which signify vitality and status is debilitated in sign of Tula.
If the Sun which rules the soul is involved in this sign which rules luxuries and pleasures, the spiritual development of the person is obstructed and that is why the Sun gets debilitated in this sign. If the Saturn is placed in sign of the Tula, where he gets exalted because Saturn ruling servants occupies the sign of luxuries and pleasure.
Tula rules of the lumbar region, lumbar bones, skin, lower part of large intestine, bladder and inner sexual organs such as ovaries, uterus, testicles and prostate gland. If Venus is strong then Tula enjoy good health. Otherwise they are vulnerable to diseases connected with parts ruled by Tula rashi, skin diseases, diabetes, venereal diseases, renal problems, urination problems, arthritis, gout pains etc� Tula is moveable sign, positive, rajastic, tri-dosha, male, talkative, semi-fruitful and biped sign and signifies sense of justice, clarity, strong will power, optimism, and is highly sensitive. Depending on influence of the Shukra � Venus they give strong sense of harmony, justice, balance, charm, and aesthetic sense, making them spontaneous, artistic, charismatic, harmonizing, humanitarian, independent, adaptable, able of considering different aspects of the stand point and judgment or offensive, inconstant, changeable.
They like public profession. Becoming actors, financial advisors, legal advisors, managers, musicians, physicians.

8. Vrischika � Scorpio

It is Jala � water element sign ruled by mars.
Mars is significator for energy and it is weak. The planet Ketu, significant of secrecy and intuition is exalted in Vrischika, and the Moon is debilitated in this sign.Scorpio represent the outer sexual organs, scrotum, rectum, anus, nasal organs and pelvic bones. Depending of the position in horoscope, the health will be like that.They can suffer from sickly constitution, suffer from piles, fissure, urinary infections, boils, and operations etc.
Vrischika is fixed sign, negative, rajastic, kapha, female, mute, violent, fruitful and multiplied sign, and signifies, severe sentiments. Depending on influence on the first house, Scorpio usually renders native determined, disciplined, self-restrained, fearless, preserving, energetic, intense, dynamic, decisive, self � centered, straightforward and very sensitive, introverted, secretive, stubborn, and ready to defend themselves. Depending upon the strength of the Sun, Jupiter, Scorpio become administrator, advocates, chemist, detectives, officers, policeman, politicians, surgeons, traders in metal and chemicals etc.

9. Dhanu � Sagittarius

It is Agni � fiery sign ruled by planet Guru or Jupiter.
Jupiter is significant of knowledge and fortune.These factors render the Dhanu ambitious, eager to learn and with good judgment. Sagittarius rules of hips, and things, arterial system, nerves and ear/hearing. If the Guru is not in good position in horoscope may give health problems with anemia, poor digestion, flatulence, disorders of liver, high fever, diabetes, rheumatism and some problems in hips, and things etc. The native may also face a problems due to his tendency to overindulge in food and drink. Dhanu is dual sign, positive, satvic, pitta, male, fruitful, first half biped and second half quadruped sign and signifies impressive personality. The firs half of Sagittarius is human, and second half is the quadruped. Their native nature is lovers, goal oriented, clever, generous, cheerful, quick-witted, organized, philosophical, self-righteous, impatient, easily irritated, impulsive.
The one who is born in this sign are best suited for training or advisory roles due to their pleasant nature and analytical bent of the mind. Depending upon the strength of Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, Dhanu play advisors role and become business man, trainers for a job, financial advisors, lawyers, legal advisors, teachers, physicians, religious leaders etc�
The influence on the tenth , first and second house will give change of profession of the person born under this sign.

10. Makar � Capricorn

It is Pritivi tatwa sign � earth element sign, ruled by Saturn.
Saturn is planet which signify dutifulness and responsibility. Mars significant of the energy, power and ambition is exalted in the this sign, and Jupiter significant of the knowledge and fortune is debilitated in the rashi of Makar.
Makar rules of the knee and kneecaps, skin, bones and joints. If the Sun is strong in horoscope of the Makar sign the person will have healthy life, otherwise may have a sickly constitution, and suffer from joints paints, inflammation, arthritis, general weakness, emaciated body, skin diseases and allergies, etc. The one may have problems with over working and nervous disorders. Capricorn risign gives good looks if Saturn is strong. Aspect of natural benefits to the ascendant provides charm to the personality. The negative influence on weak Saturn as a lord of the 2nd house give an appearance of a person advanced in age, sunken eyes, wrinkled body, etc�
Capricorn usually combines diligence and commitment with flexibility and adaptability and renders their natives traditional, level-headed, cautious, thrifty, conservative, methodical, social, practical, with organizing ability, faithful, prudent, protective, dependable and preserving or selfish, rigid and resentful.
Depending on the strength of the Venus, Sun and the Saturn, then person born in Makar lagna, becomes businessman, agriculturist, lawyers, leaders, politicians, and they are careful with their money.

11. Kumbh � Aquarius

It is Vayu tatwa � air element sign, ruled by Saturn.
Saturn is the planet which represent dutifulness and responsibility. These factors render Aquarius independent and prepared to go against the established ways of behavior if they feel that in doing so they are morally correct.
This sign rules shanks, calves, ankles, shin, bone, blood circulation. If Saturn and Moon are in bad position person will not have good condition of the health, there are possibilities of cold and infections, suffer from fractures in lower legs, cancerous diseases and wounds.Rheumatism and arthritis are also indication with age for this sign.
Aquarius is the fix sign, positive, tamastic, tri-dosha, male talkative, and biped sin and signifies characteristic like honesty, ideals, and sensitiveness. They usually have long stature, thin body and with prominent veins is Saturn is strong. They makes their natives willingly to serve, helpful, with initiative, preserving and concentrated in work, active, courteous deliberated, full of new ideas, decisive, humane, industrious, intuitive, preserving and concentrated in work.
They can be scientific, studious, sympathetic, talented

12. Meen � Pisces

It is Jala tatwa � water element sign ruled by planet Jupiter.
Jupiter is the planet whis represent the wealth, knowledge and fortune. Venus significiator of the materialistic wealth and comforts is exalted in this sign. And Buddh � Mercury significant of intellect is debilitated in this sign.This factors render the Meen romantic, imaginative, compassionate and generous.
This sign rules feet and toes, lymphatic system, bones of the feet and toe. If the Sun as a lord of sixth house is strong then health is good, otherwise the person can face some problems in this field, like sickly constitution, suffer from gout pains, and disorders related with blood circulation, lymphatic system, feet, toes, bones of the feer/toes, etc�/
Pisces is a dual sign, negative, satvic, kapha, female, mute, fruitful, footless and signifies enjoyments, sensitiveness.
Depending on the influences on the ascendant the Meen usually render their natives gentle, cheerful, empathetic, caring, devoted to duty, emotional, enthusiastic, idealistic, impressionable, intuitive, with moral values, mystical, philosophical, sentimental and tolerant or timid, vulnerable, indolent, eyes loving. Depending upon the strength of Jupiter, the Sun and Mars, the Meen rashi join to the profession of commerce, development, financial advisors, legal advisors, training, etc�.
The person rises well in his profession and is generous. The influence of the other planet on the tenth, first and second house change the professional pursuits.

Jyotish > Jyotish Bhava

Jyotish > Jyotish Bhava

Science of Light

First House

Represent the person, his innate nature, and state of health, vitality, longevity, happiness, personality, appearance, prosperity, general disposition in life, reputation and status, desires and their fulfillment and the body parts � complexion, head, brain, hair pituitary glands. For example for a first house weakness or afflictions to the first house or it is lord results in a sickly constitution, causign vulnerability to headache, mental tension, paralysis, giddiness, wounds, scars, erratic activity of endocrine glands, derangement, brain fever, nose bleeding.

Second House

Represent the wealth, livelihood, nourishment, male, child, higher education, professional position, spouse, second marriage, continuance of the marriage life, possession of precious stones and metals, money in cash, earning capacity, financial status, fortune, prosperity, movable, properties, speech, vision, and body parts � face and its organs ( nose, throat, mouth, tongue, teeth and eyes, especially right one ), facial bones, upper neck and its bones, tonsils.Weak second house will give next: poor digestion, disorders of the speech, throat, cervical, gums, eyes, teeth and diseases mainly arisign out of weak venous system.

Third House

Represent younger brothers or sisters neighbors, courage, physical strength, sports, initiative, power of understanding, short journeys, initiation into spiritual techniques, writing and communicative capability, body part � lower neck, shoulders, arms and ears ( especially the right one ), hands, shoulders and collar bones, thyroid gland, respiratory and nervous system, etc. Weakness of the 3rd house may give problems with respiratory system, disorders of the thyroid gland, imbalance in the nervous system, depression resulting in partial, paralyses, streaming shoulders pain, fracture in the collar bone region, partial deafness, respiratory diseases, asthma, tuberculosis.

Fourth House

Represent mother, happiness, upbringing, relatives, friends, supporters, basic education, vehicles, conveyances, domestic peace, mind, mental peace, spiritual life, confidence, righteous, conduct, close of life, comforts, luxuries, country of the birth, immovable properties, real estate, land, wells, thank, houses, home, assets, and the body parts � the rib cage, heart, and epigastric region, mental disorders, lunacy and problems connected to thecirculatory system. Strong Moon significant of the Mother, Venus significant of the materialistic comfort and Mars significator of the immovable properties help as a protective cover.

Fifth House

Represent intelligence, emotions, discernment, discrimination, intellectual and mental talents, memory, creative intelligence, emotional happiness, love, romance, success, progeny, children, organizational ability, knowledge, wisdom, higher learning, disciples, students, devotions, mantras, yantras, the body parts � upper belly, stomach, liver, gall, bladder, pancreas, spleen, colon, diaphragm, spine, and spine cord, pregnancy.
Weakness of the fifth house can cause vulnerability to diabetes, peptic ulcers, anemia, colic pains, stones in gall bladder, acidity, spinal cord disorders, dyspepsia, diarrhea, hearth problems.

Sixth House

Represent disputes, diseases and injuries, debts, enemies, opponents, competitors, thieves, fears, doubts, service, employees, good health and protection against losses through theft, fire and cheating, misunderstanding, confrontation, litigation. Body parts are waist, navel, lower abdomen, kidneys, small intestine, upper part of large intestine, intestinal function, appendix.
Weakness of the sixth house may give poisoning, colics, constipation, hernia, blood urea, psychiatric problems, exhaustion, and nervous brake down. In other words, health, financial positions and the position with reference to the opponents is identified through this house. A strong Mercury and Mars as significators of for health, helps as a protective cover.

Seventh House

Represent long terms relationships, legal ties, spouse, partners in life and partners in business, vitality, potency, comforts, life in the foreign lands, success in love affairs, conjugal life, home abroad, travel, trade or business, expansion, body parts are pelvic girdle, lumbar region, bladder, lower part of large intestine, inner sexual organs, uterus, cervix, testicles.
Weak seventh house cause the venereal diseases, arthritis, gout pains, urination problems, impotency, sterilization, renal problems.

Eighth House

Represent longevity, research, interest in mystical sciences, occult, inner and outer transformation, past and future events, inheritance, death, will and testament, insurance, easy gains, fear, accident, obstructions, litigation, bankruptcy, theft, losses, misfortunes, disgrace, disappointment, body parts are scrotum, anus, outer sexual organs, excretory organs, pelvic bones.
Weakness of the eight house will give hidrocele, fissure, impotency, piles, urinary infections, boils, chronical diseases. Strong Saturn as significator for longevity helps as a protective cover.

Ninth House

Represent father, preceptor, spiritual learning, spiritual inclinations, intuition, charity, virtue, duty � Dharma, destiny on the basis of past life and resultant happiness, meditation, foreign travel, long journeys of short duration, and life in foreign country education abroad, grace, luck, general fortune, sudden and unexpected gains, religion, pilgrimages, philosophy, law, medicine, remedies, past�.
The body parts are thighs, left leg thigh bones, bone, morrow hips, hip joints and atterial system.
Weak ninth house may give anemia, low productivity of blood, talassemia, leukemia, high fevers, diabetes, rheumatism, troubles in hip and thighs.

Tenth House

Represent profession, career, vocation, promotion, livelihood, power, fame, public esteem, status, position, honor, karma in life, character, authority, government, employer, living abroad, ambition, next birth, happiness from male progeny and debts.
Body parts are knee and kneecaps, joints and bones.
Weak tenth house may give arthritis, broken knees, inflammation of joints, general weakness, skin diseases, and allergies. A strong Sun as strong significant for organizing powers, help as a protective cover.

Eleventh House

Represent income, prosperity, gains, profit, friends, elder brother or sister, hopes and aspirations and their fulfillment.
Body parts are shanks, ankles, shine bone, right leg, left ear, and left arm.
Weakness in the 11th house may made circular problems, fracture of the lower portion of legs, problems of lower productivity of blood, cancer of legs. Strong Saturn as significant for easy sources of income helps as protective cover.

Twelfth House

Represent expenses, losses, end of life, exile, life in foreign lands, obstruction in life, separation from the family, going astray, transcendence, enlightenment, seclusion, imprisonment, hospitalization, pleasures of bed, sound sleep, work behind the scenes, as work in hospital, asylum, prison, military quarter, or monastery or Ashram, all closed places.
Body parts are left eye, lymphatic system, feet. Weakness of the twelfth house may produce problems in the body parts, sleep disturbance and weaken the immunization power. A strong moon, as significant for immunization power and mental peace, and strong Shukra as significant for a happy material relationships and comforts, helps as protective cover.

Jyotish > 9 Graha

Jyotish > 9 Graha

Science of Light

Surya - Sun

Sun is the king in the planetary cabinet. It is source of light and life. It is signify the father, which is the source for bringing into existence and supporting a new born in life. That is why Sun signify the father and vitality. Aloso sun signify the king, master, government, the president of the country, highly placed persons, administrators, contractors, politicians, police, power, social status, male child, courage, nobility, dignity, ambition, splendor, prestige, faith, loyality, generosity, authority power, leadership and creativity.
The Sun is male planet, hot, dry, constructive, satvic, pitta, and has sturdy bones. Its nature is royal, benevolent and cruel. Surya gives a square body, majestic appearance, powerful speech, makes person courageous and bestows administrative, capabilities. Its is complexion is blood red and it rules orange, pink and golden colors, the fire element, hot, day is Sunday, direction is East, metals: copper and gold, stone is ruby.
Sun represent head, body, soul, ego, self intelligence, will power, clarity, self realization, health, bone structure, constitution, blood, brain, digestive fire, organ of voice, heart as life-center.

Chandra - Moon

The Moon is the queen in planetary cabinet, next to the Sun, rule of the planet Moon because Moon represent the Mother. Mother brings up the child, and it is the first preceptor of the child. That is why the Moon signifies the mind also. If the position of the Moon is strong in nativity mother will having sufficient resource and will bring up the child and develop the child�s mental facilities in a peaceful manner. The moon act as nourishing, soothing agent. If rules the sense and emotions and gives the native capability of looking after, which include the fields of training, public relations, administration, and soothing. Moon also signify the queen, hotelier, moneylenders, sailors, house-keepers, physicians, nurses, mindwifes, healers, psychic abilities, eating establishment, cooks, catering and other professions, deal directly, with people at large.
Strong Moon denotes affluence, receptivity, sensitivity, imagination, good memory, meritorious, deeds and sound habits.
The Moon is female, cold, moist, mild, satvic, and constitution is mixture of the vata and kapha. Its nature is royal, has auspicious look, pleasant speech and its temperament is fickly and changeable. The Moon is volatile, as it is changing its position daily. Depending upon the brightness of the Moon, while weak Moon, may gives a slime body, Strong Moon � full moon may give a plump body if it is connected with the ascendant or its lord is a powerful way. Moon represent face, mind, consciousness, perception, feelings, tolerance, though, intellect, receptivity, femininity, sensitivity, good memory, general weakness, emotional health and functional health as its governs fluids in body, good quality of blood and lymph, glands, tonsils, breasts, stomach, lymphatic system, face, lungs. Weak Moon may cause sleep disorders, anemia, tuberculosis, menstrual disorders, diseases of uterus and ovaries, lack of appetite, general weakness, epilepsy. The Moon is also generally significator for sleep, nourishment, public, social behavior, change, travel, basic education, comforts, emotional peace, family, happy married life inheritance, income and gains. Direction is North and element is Jala tatwa � water element. Metal is silver and stone is pearl, color is white and day is Monday.

Buddha � Mercury

Mercury is prince in planetary cabinet. It basically rules the rational mind and speech, analytical faculties, sharp intellect, power of discrimination and confidence.
Mercury signify advisor, astrologers, financial advisors, strategist, business, commerce, engineering and related fields, research scholar, communicators, editors, authors, software engineer, teachers, transporters, mediatos, diplomats. When is strong Mercury gives good communicator with intelligence, rationality, imagination, wit, cleverness, verbal and mental ability, shrewdness, sound.
Mercury is eunuch planet, rajastic, tri-dosha, constitution is mixture of vata, pitta and kapha. It is nature friendly and its temperament is volatile and versatile. Mercury has the best appearance is witty, fond of jokes and laughter, when strong is in the natal horoscope. Mercury take upon itself the qualities of the planets with which it is associated. Color of the Mercury is green, stone is emerald, metal is brass, the element is Pritiwi Tatwa � Earth element, direction is North day is Wednesday. Hi is responsible for sense of smell. Represent lower part of abdomen, skin, mind, nervous system, urinary bladder, bronchial tube, gastric juice, digestion, intestine, lungs, tongue, mouth, hands, and arms. When is weak then can cause psychic disease, insomnia, nervous brake down, asthma, deafness, diseases of respiratory canal, dyspepsia, difficulty in thought and communications, timidity, low self-esteem, aloofness, amorality, over-intellectualization, poor discrimination. He is generally significant of consciousness, communications, eloquence, logic, humor, wit, mathematic, papers, books.

Mangal - Mars

Mars is the commander � in � chief in planetary cabinet. It signifies courage both mental and physical. Mars denotes position in military force, police, vocation employing fire and metals, engineering, chemical, surgeon, dentist.
Mars is generally significator for yunger brothers. Weak Mars can give lacking in courage and not in enjoying in help, but when is strong, it s donates thirst for action, passion, ambition, physical strength, goal directed energy, power to carry trough bravery, heroism, competitive and fighting spirit.
Mars is male planet, dry fiery, tamastic, and pitta. Its nature is cruel, unrelenting, active and generous and its temperament is violent angry and rush.
Gives short stature and stout and well built body, red eyes and thin waist. Color is Red, bitter flavors, sense of sight, Agni tatwa � fire element, day is Tuesdays, direction is South, metal is copper, and stone is red coral.
Mars represent the chests, bone marrow, blood, bile, digestive fire, intestine, forehead, neck, muscular system. Acuity of vision, nose and external generative organs. When afflicting or itself being weak and if is afflicted cause inflammation, overheating, inability to tolerate hunger, wounds, burns, accident, piles.
Mars is also generally significator for energy, strength, enemy, army, accidents, acute diseases, aggressions, assets, immovable properties, motivation, arguments, quarrels, fight, explosions, weapons, guns, general health, mechanical or technical ability, sport and surgery.

Shukra - Venus

Venus is minister in planetary cabinet, it is protector of the demons and is personified as a preceptor and lover.
It rules knowledge, of life saving drugs and arts, and vocations in the field of financial administration, art, cinema, theatres, painting and music, designing, architecture, interior decoration, modeling, advertisign, legal teaching, hotels, medicines, fashion and luxurious items. Generally is significator for a wife and happy married life, when is strong gives worldly knowledge and pursuits, psychical ability, potency, pleasures, correct behavior, luxury, beauty, harmony, creativity, rich, tastes, affection, friendliness, gentleness, sociability, charm, balance, elegance.
Venus is female, warm, moist, rajastic and its constitution is mixture of kapha and vata. Its nature is royal, sensual, generous and benevolent and its temperament is easy going and accommodating. Venus is joyful in spirit, possesses a slim body, they have lovely eyes, giving a charming appearance, sharp and beautiful facial cuts and dark � bright. Element is Water � Jala tatwa, color is blue, sour flavor, stone is diamond, color is royal blue, sense of taste, silver, day is Friday, cinemas, restaurants, bedrooms, art galleries, opera and symphony halls, dance halls, beauty salons, elegant shops and clubs.
Shukra represent the pelvis, and the sexual organs, desires and yearning, reproduction, private parts, kidneys, face, eyes, neck, throat, chin, cheeks, skin, venous system. When is weak it is cause venereal diseases, diseases of urinary or reproductive system, diabetes, anemia, stones in bladder or kidney, cataract, weakness of sexual organs, paralysis, asthma, phthisis, cough, cold, sexual perversions, impotency or inability to have a sexual relations, denotes greed, laziness, vanity, ambiguity, lack of charm, sentimentality, vice and sensual corruption. Venus is generally significant of assets, vehicles, comforts, luxury, art, dance, drama, music, painting, jewelry, romance, family, marital tie, income, prosperity, wealth. Mantras, ornaments, perfumes, flowers, festivals, professional position, signers, songwriters, actors, designers, fashion.

Guru - Jupiter

Jupiter is a minister in planetary cabinet. It is the preceptor of the gods. Jupiter is personified as preceptor, judge and is linked with treasury,. When is the strong in nativity its signify the fields of top political and administrative positions, chairman of industrial establishments, contractors, financial advisors, banker, high administrative positions in government, kings, politicians, lawyers, priests, teacher, astrologers. It rule also preaching of spirituality, service with state, teaching, law, financial institution, it is primary significant for a husband. When is strong it will give growth, expansion, humanitarian and spiritual outlook, denotes wisdom, optimism, faith, generosity, joviality, humor, idealism.
Jupiter is male planet, mild, temperate, warm, satvic, and kapha dosha. Nature is saintly, generous and temperament is mild. Jupiter gives impressive and magnificent disposition, thin brown hair, tawny eyes, large body. When Jupiter is strong then he is intelligent and endowed with all branches of learning. Color is yellow, element is Aksha tatwa � ether, sweet flavors, sense of hearing, day is Thursday, direction is North-East, metal is gold, yellow topaz is the stone.
Jupiter represent hips, the fat tissue, blood, arterial system, glands, liver, pancreas, digestion, absorptive power, ears/hearing power, navel, feet, physical development, palate and throat. Weak Jupiter causes lymphatic and circulatory congestion, thrombosis, anemia, tumors, jaundice, ear problems, dyspepsia, flatulence, cough cold, asthma, diabetes. Generally is significator for elder brothers, father, male, progeny, children, intelligence, friends, fortune, justice, education, wealth, higher education, happiness, wisdom, morality, dharma, spiritual education, expansion, compassion, optimism, honesty, divine grace, and all good things in life.

Shani - Saturn

Saturn is servant in the planetary cabinet, personified as statesman and leader of low, castes, represent hard work, leadership of workers, trying to acquire positions in government service, workers, engineers, real estate agents, research work, working with spoiled food, stones or wooden materials, butchers. When is the strong then gives perfections and highest human qualities, spirituality, detachment, concentration, inwardness, dutifulness, honesty, humanity, stability and longevity.
Saturn is eunuch planet, cold, dry, contracting, short-tempered, worn-out, tamastic and vata. Its nature is selfish, indolent, temperament is harsh and hard-hearted. Saturn has an emaciated body, long stature, brown and sunken eyes, wrinkles, long face, long hands, lazy, melancholic nature, coarse and excessive hair when found strong. Complexion is dark, and it is rule black, navy blue, It is Vayu tatwa � Air ( Wind ) element, astringent flavors, sense of touch, day is Saturday, direction is West, metal is steel and iron, stone is blue sapphire, dirty places, slams, gutters, sewers, garbage, heaps, basements, mines, graves, inaccessible places, prisons, neglected and lonely or melancholy places. Saturn represent nerve tissue, the muscles, tendons, joints, spleen, teeth, knees, shin and part of leg between ankle and knee, secretive system, respiratory system. When is weak cause constant and painful diseases, all sort of chronic and degenerative diseases, leg fracture, caner, diseases of glands, skin diseases, paralysis, arthritis, rheumatism. Rickets, consumption, flatulence, deformities, coldness of the body, nerve disorders, indigestion, dyspepsia, windy diseases, senility, impotence in man, pain, asthma, obstruction in function in the body like retention in urine, intestinal obstruction.
Gives depression, rigidity, stinginess, loneliness, lack of adaptability, slowness, loneliness, austerity, worry pessimism, fears, suppression, miserliness, selfishness. Generally is significator for longevity, obstacles, humiliation, poverty, misdeeds, debts, sorrow, grief, ambition, authority figures, coal, wood, steel, construction workers, leaders of underdog, sweepers, agriculture, ascetics, monks, work with metal, iron, loss, fate, limitation, separation, jails, solitude, ugliness, crime and paranoia.

Rahu - Dragon Head

Rahu is personified as diplomar, and been shadowy planet and legendary master of deception, when disposed beneficially plane, indicate diplomatic job, requiring manipulation with facts, aviators, computer programmers, engineering, flight attendants, highly technician fields, pilots, professions involving juggling, involvement with a mass, involvement with occult or psychic knowledge and dealing with poisons and drugs.
It is signifies cheats, pleasure seekers, insincere and immoral acts, operators in foreign land, catalysts, drug dealer, conmen. If is in good position can give great worldly benefits, sudden gains, originality, individuality, independence, insight, inspiration and imagination. Rahu is female planet, tamastic, vata in constitution, it is phlegmatic and manipulative in nature, eccentric in temperament, malignant growth. Rahu create smoke, has a darko body, resides in forest, gives smoky and unpleasant appearance due to habits of overeating, which results in foul smell and unclean body and nails when it influence the ascendant. It rule purple and different tones of grey colors, direction is South � West, metal is lead, hessonite quartz, cremation ground, anthill, chasms, graveyards and tombs.
When afflicting it causes diseases of phlegm, intestine, boils, skin, nervous system, ulcers, spleen, worms, high blood pressure, heart trouble, epidemic, psychic disturbance, hallucinations, hysteria, insanity, epilepsy, alcoholism, mysterious diseases, leprosy, indigestion, gas accumulation in stomach, insects bite, pain in the feet, fears, phobias, nightmares, inertia, dullness, psychosis, deception, gambling, confusion, ignorance, cancer, compulsive and unconscious behavior, vagueness, illusions, delusion and rough behavior. Rahu is also generally significator for transformations, catalyst, immigration, grasps, rigidity, paternal, grandparents, unexpected events, separation, calamity, social and political movements, reptiles, snakes, snake-bite, toxicity, theft, exile, aviation, deceit, dirt, filth, imprisonment, insatiable worldly desires, manipulation, poisons, drugs and materialistic pursuits.

Ketu - Dragon Tail

Ketu is personified as a saint, and takes person towards mystic science and spiritual pursuits. It is take interest in occultism, spiritual initiation and development, natural healing methods and diets, religion and diversification, service for old and needy persons and rules chemist, pharmacist, priests, researches and spiritual healers. If is benefic then may give a sudden burst of energy, discretion, liberation, universality, idealism, intuition, psychic ability, compassion, spirituality self-sacrifice.
Ketu is eunuch planet, tamastic and vata in constitution. It is dry, fiery in nature and explosive in temperament. Ketu gives am emaciated body with prominent veins when it influence lagna. Colors are brown and fainted, direction is centre upwards and some school of Jyotish and Vaastu says the direction for Ketu is North-East, like Jupiter. Stones is cats eye.
When afflicting it cause wounds, injures, diseases in spine and nervous system, consumption, surgery, ulcers, inflammation, fevers, intestinal diseases, mental aberration, low-blood pressure, deafness, defective speech, addictions, bad habits, mental aberration, skin diseases, stuttering, spasm. If is malefic and afflicting than gives unconscious behavior, eccentricity, violence, anger, impulsiveness, fanaticism, intrigues, doubts. Ketu is generally significator for maternal grand parents, mathematic, fire, fears, phobias, nightmare, ghosts, spirit, astral forces, natural calamities, poisons, violent actions or events.