Jyotish > Rashi
1. Mesh - Aries
It is Agni � Fire element sign.It is fiery sign ruled by Mars, significator of the energy. The Surya significant of vitality is exalted in this sign. Saturn planet of the lethargy is debilitated in the Mesh rashi. These factors render the Arians most active, strong, aggressive and healthy in case the Mangal is strong. If aries arise as ascendant, the Ishta Devata ( form of God for worshiping and meditation ) would be mother divine, mother Durga. Worshipping the Istha Devata will help in spiritual progress and maintaining mental peace. This sign rules head ( cranium and forehead ) and brain. If Buddha and Mangal are strong the Mesh enjoy the good health. Other wise they have a sickly constitution , suffer from wound, headache, mental tension, fever, insomnia, diseases of impure blood. Inflammatory disorders, constipation, etc.
Aries is movable, positive, rajastic, pitta, male, barren and has strong preference. Depending on the influences of the ascendant and Mangal, the Mesh rashi renders their natives independent, adventurous and skilful in what they do, becomes leaders, with initiative, ambitious, fighters, brave, courageous, heroic, competitive, energetic, enterprisign, mentally clear, visionary, and strong willed or head strong, argumentative, offensive, impatient, impulsive, and self-centered.
Mesh � become the commanders � In chief � executioners, gangsters, manufacturers, military forces, police, project erectors, surgeons, vocations employing fire and metals.
2. Vrishaba � Taurus
It is a Prithivi � earth element sign.Vrishaba is ruled by Shukra � venus, the significator for materialistic pursuits and comforts. The Moon significator for caring, tenderness is exalted in this sign. Ketu the significator for a spiritual pursuits is debilitated in this sign. This factors render the Taurus, materialistic, motherly, sensual, enjoying comforts, beauty and luxury around them. This sign rules face, and its organs are : nose, throat, mouth, teeth and eyes, neck, cervical region and bones, cerebellum and facial bones. If Venus as lord of the sixth house, is strong the Taurus enjoy good health.
Taurus is a fixed, negative, rajastic, vata, female, mild, semi fruitful and quadruped sign and has a precise and temperate nature. Vrishaba usually renders the their native cautions, prudent, stable, enduring, fixed in their ways, adaptable and gentle, becoming good planers, good communicators, analytical, refined, attractive, patient, kind, sentimental, devotional, charming, possessive, jealous, stubborn, resentful, passionate, lethargic, pleasure seekers. Taurus can become the business man, designers, engineers, technocrats, administrators, industrialist, house keeping.
3. Mithuna � Gemini
It is Vayu � air element sign, ruled by Buddha � Mercury.Mercury is significator of the communications and confidence. These factors render the Mithuna with excellent power of speech and communication. They have an energetic nature, and they are always looking for a change, interchange, motion and invention. If the mind is turned inward the native have ability to progress far in the spiritual field.
Gemini is dual, positive, tamastic, tri-dosha, male, talkative, barren, and biped sign, and gives an ambitious nature with imaginative ideas. They usually love the knowledge and like much movement, change and initiative. They have a sharp intellect and conscious mind, spontaneous, adaptable, analytical, educated, learned, helpful, with teaching abilities, humor wit and imagination or talkative, nervous, restless, agitated, indecisive etc� Persons who are born in Mithun lagna, they can become accountants, auditors, advisory roles, authors, writers, communicators, business man, computer programmers, engineers, journalist, lawyers, poets, publishers, salesman, secretaries, software engineers, experts in analytical work, intellectuals, state services. The influence of the other planets on the, tenth, first and second house change the professional pursuits of the Mithun lagna
4. Karka � Cancer
It is Jala � water �sign, ruled by planet Moon.Karka have a changeable nature and tendency. Jupiter, who is significator of the knowledge, and forthune, all wealth is exalted in Karka rashi. Mars, who represent energy, is debilitated in Cancer. Organs of the cancer are : rib cage, chest, heart, lungs and breasts. If the Moon is not in good position person with Karka lagna can have problem in health, like: mental maladies, physical ailments of breast, chest, heart and epigastric region, lymphatic and circulatory congestion, jaundice and other liver problems. Etc.
Karka � Cancer is the moveable rashi, negative, satvic, kapha, female, mute, fruitful and multiplied sign, signifies, grace and cleverness, they usually shows their negative good hosts, capable of receptivity and adaptability, generous, peace loving, with humor, wit and imagination. They are very emotional, sensitive, shy, moody, attached and dependent. Depending upon he strength of the Mangal and Surya being prime determinants of profession and the Moon for a stable profession, person who is born in Karka lagna usually become administrators, public relation managers, healers, nurses, house keepers, hoteliers, restaurants owners, catering professionals, cooks, eating � establishment owners, professionals dealing with liquids.
5. Simha � Leo
It is Agni � fiery sign ruled by planet Sury � Sun.He is the significant of vitality, intelligence, male progeny, social status and magnificence. These factors render the Simha noble hearts, with character and will power.
Simha rashi is the responsible for a upper belly, stomach, spine, spinal cord, back, liver, gall bladder, spleen and pancreas. If the Surya is the strong person in Simha rashi will enjoy good health. Other wise they are vulnerable to the diseases of heart, spine, back, bones, spleen, pancreas, live stomach, week digestion, fevers, etc�.
Leo is fixed, positive, satvic, pitta, male, benevolent, barren and quadruped sign and when risign in the ascendant with a strong Sun, makes the person noble, generous and gives, majestic appearance. Leos gives the intelligence, strong will, initiative, awareness of authority, making native visionary, patient listeners, rulers, aristocratic, preserving, dramatic and bold, authoritative, ambitious, jealous, impatient, demanding, stubborn, impulsive and irritable.
Depending on the strength of the other planets, Simha may join to higher service to the government which offer security and fix income. They can earn through sport, medicine, speculation or scientific pursuits, or may have large organizations, become organizers, administrators, contractors, leaders, political persons�.Thety will be self employ and will not like subordination.
6. Kanya � Virgo
It is Pritivi � Earth element sign, ruled by mercury.Mercury is governor of the nerve system, he is also significant of the analytical faculties, and is exalted in this sign, Venus significator for materialistic pursuits, comforts, is debilitated.
This sign rules the waist, abdominal umbilical region, nervous system, small intenstine, upper part of large intenstine, appendix and kidney. Virgo is dual, negative, tamastic, vata, female, barren and biped sign, and if Buddha � mercury is the strong, it is give power of analytical looking, power of analysis and discrimination.Kanya sign usually make their natives communicative, attractive, charming, prudent, cautious, protective, analytical, dependable, honest, ruthful, practical, sincere, detailed, critical, neurotic, distant, resentful, indecisive, and nit pickers with fault to find tendency.
The usually, weakness of Mercury, makes virgo born people feel insecure in life. They are generally worried and need support for maintaining self-confidence. If natal mercury is weak the person has prominent veins, lacks witticism and has no charm. Depending upon of the strength of the Venus, Sun and Mercury , Kanya become accountants, artist, craftsman, draftsman, teachers, mathematicians, engineers, traders, writers, etc. They will be good at job that involve detailed work. The Influence of the other planets on the tenth, first and second house change the professional pursuits.
7. Tula � Libra
It is Vayu � air element sign ruled by planet Venus.Venus is the significant of materialistic pursuits and comforts. The planet Saturn, significant of the hard work is exalted in this rashi. And the Surya , planet which signify vitality and status is debilitated in sign of Tula.
If the Sun which rules the soul is involved in this sign which rules luxuries and pleasures, the spiritual development of the person is obstructed and that is why the Sun gets debilitated in this sign. If the Saturn is placed in sign of the Tula, where he gets exalted because Saturn ruling servants occupies the sign of luxuries and pleasure.
Tula rules of the lumbar region, lumbar bones, skin, lower part of large intestine, bladder and inner sexual organs such as ovaries, uterus, testicles and prostate gland. If Venus is strong then Tula enjoy good health. Otherwise they are vulnerable to diseases connected with parts ruled by Tula rashi, skin diseases, diabetes, venereal diseases, renal problems, urination problems, arthritis, gout pains etc� Tula is moveable sign, positive, rajastic, tri-dosha, male, talkative, semi-fruitful and biped sign and signifies sense of justice, clarity, strong will power, optimism, and is highly sensitive. Depending on influence of the Shukra � Venus they give strong sense of harmony, justice, balance, charm, and aesthetic sense, making them spontaneous, artistic, charismatic, harmonizing, humanitarian, independent, adaptable, able of considering different aspects of the stand point and judgment or offensive, inconstant, changeable.
They like public profession. Becoming actors, financial advisors, legal advisors, managers, musicians, physicians.
8. Vrischika � Scorpio
It is Jala � water element sign ruled by mars.Mars is significator for energy and it is weak. The planet Ketu, significant of secrecy and intuition is exalted in Vrischika, and the Moon is debilitated in this sign.Scorpio represent the outer sexual organs, scrotum, rectum, anus, nasal organs and pelvic bones. Depending of the position in horoscope, the health will be like that.They can suffer from sickly constitution, suffer from piles, fissure, urinary infections, boils, and operations etc.
Vrischika is fixed sign, negative, rajastic, kapha, female, mute, violent, fruitful and multiplied sign, and signifies, severe sentiments. Depending on influence on the first house, Scorpio usually renders native determined, disciplined, self-restrained, fearless, preserving, energetic, intense, dynamic, decisive, self � centered, straightforward and very sensitive, introverted, secretive, stubborn, and ready to defend themselves. Depending upon the strength of the Sun, Jupiter, Scorpio become administrator, advocates, chemist, detectives, officers, policeman, politicians, surgeons, traders in metal and chemicals etc.
9. Dhanu � Sagittarius
It is Agni � fiery sign ruled by planet Guru or Jupiter.Jupiter is significant of knowledge and fortune.These factors render the Dhanu ambitious, eager to learn and with good judgment. Sagittarius rules of hips, and things, arterial system, nerves and ear/hearing. If the Guru is not in good position in horoscope may give health problems with anemia, poor digestion, flatulence, disorders of liver, high fever, diabetes, rheumatism and some problems in hips, and things etc. The native may also face a problems due to his tendency to overindulge in food and drink. Dhanu is dual sign, positive, satvic, pitta, male, fruitful, first half biped and second half quadruped sign and signifies impressive personality. The firs half of Sagittarius is human, and second half is the quadruped. Their native nature is lovers, goal oriented, clever, generous, cheerful, quick-witted, organized, philosophical, self-righteous, impatient, easily irritated, impulsive.
The one who is born in this sign are best suited for training or advisory roles due to their pleasant nature and analytical bent of the mind. Depending upon the strength of Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, Dhanu play advisors role and become business man, trainers for a job, financial advisors, lawyers, legal advisors, teachers, physicians, religious leaders etc�
The influence on the tenth , first and second house will give change of profession of the person born under this sign.
10. Makar � Capricorn
It is Pritivi tatwa sign � earth element sign, ruled by Saturn.Saturn is planet which signify dutifulness and responsibility. Mars significant of the energy, power and ambition is exalted in the this sign, and Jupiter significant of the knowledge and fortune is debilitated in the rashi of Makar.
Makar rules of the knee and kneecaps, skin, bones and joints. If the Sun is strong in horoscope of the Makar sign the person will have healthy life, otherwise may have a sickly constitution, and suffer from joints paints, inflammation, arthritis, general weakness, emaciated body, skin diseases and allergies, etc. The one may have problems with over working and nervous disorders. Capricorn risign gives good looks if Saturn is strong. Aspect of natural benefits to the ascendant provides charm to the personality. The negative influence on weak Saturn as a lord of the 2nd house give an appearance of a person advanced in age, sunken eyes, wrinkled body, etc�
Capricorn usually combines diligence and commitment with flexibility and adaptability and renders their natives traditional, level-headed, cautious, thrifty, conservative, methodical, social, practical, with organizing ability, faithful, prudent, protective, dependable and preserving or selfish, rigid and resentful.
Depending on the strength of the Venus, Sun and the Saturn, then person born in Makar lagna, becomes businessman, agriculturist, lawyers, leaders, politicians, and they are careful with their money.
11. Kumbh � Aquarius
It is Vayu tatwa � air element sign, ruled by Saturn.Saturn is the planet which represent dutifulness and responsibility. These factors render Aquarius independent and prepared to go against the established ways of behavior if they feel that in doing so they are morally correct.
This sign rules shanks, calves, ankles, shin, bone, blood circulation. If Saturn and Moon are in bad position person will not have good condition of the health, there are possibilities of cold and infections, suffer from fractures in lower legs, cancerous diseases and wounds.Rheumatism and arthritis are also indication with age for this sign.
Aquarius is the fix sign, positive, tamastic, tri-dosha, male talkative, and biped sin and signifies characteristic like honesty, ideals, and sensitiveness. They usually have long stature, thin body and with prominent veins is Saturn is strong. They makes their natives willingly to serve, helpful, with initiative, preserving and concentrated in work, active, courteous deliberated, full of new ideas, decisive, humane, industrious, intuitive, preserving and concentrated in work.
They can be scientific, studious, sympathetic, talented
12. Meen � Pisces
It is Jala tatwa � water element sign ruled by planet Jupiter.Jupiter is the planet whis represent the wealth, knowledge and fortune. Venus significiator of the materialistic wealth and comforts is exalted in this sign. And Buddh � Mercury significant of intellect is debilitated in this sign.This factors render the Meen romantic, imaginative, compassionate and generous.
This sign rules feet and toes, lymphatic system, bones of the feet and toe. If the Sun as a lord of sixth house is strong then health is good, otherwise the person can face some problems in this field, like sickly constitution, suffer from gout pains, and disorders related with blood circulation, lymphatic system, feet, toes, bones of the feer/toes, etc�/
Pisces is a dual sign, negative, satvic, kapha, female, mute, fruitful, footless and signifies enjoyments, sensitiveness.
Depending on the influences on the ascendant the Meen usually render their natives gentle, cheerful, empathetic, caring, devoted to duty, emotional, enthusiastic, idealistic, impressionable, intuitive, with moral values, mystical, philosophical, sentimental and tolerant or timid, vulnerable, indolent, eyes loving. Depending upon the strength of Jupiter, the Sun and Mars, the Meen rashi join to the profession of commerce, development, financial advisors, legal advisors, training, etc�.
The person rises well in his profession and is generous. The influence of the other planet on the tenth, first and second house change the professional pursuits.
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